Middle School & High School Clinics


Colorado Mesa Tennis Courts


The Mesa County Tennis Program is offering Intermediate and Advanced tennis clinics for any and all middle school and high school players who have already had three or more years of lessons and would like to advance their game. These clinics will take place at the Colorado Mesa University tennis courts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:15 am - 10:15 am.

Mission Statements:

  • Improve each player's tennis technique, mental approach, strategy and physical conditioning

  • Ensure that each participant gains tennis knowledge, self-confidence and new strategies.

  • Provide fun and challenging drills that will improve skills and endurance.

This format includes:

  • A "Stroke of the Day" focus.

  • Strategy sessions

  • Drill sessions

  • Mental toughness training

  • Conditioning